Best mops in india

    • Features a cordless design and is effective for deep cleaning hard floors.
    • Spin function helps to easily scrub away tough stains.
    1. Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Spin Mop:
    • This mop comes with a 360-degree rotating head and a comfortable handle.
    • Its microfibre pads effectively clean and are machine washable.
    1. AmazonBasics Microfiber Flat Mop:
    • Affordable and easy to use, with washable microfibre pads.
    • Suitable for hardwood, laminate, tile, and other types of flooring.
    1. Pigeon by Stovekraft Mop:
    • Offers a durable and lightweight design.
    • Comes with an easy-to-use wringing mechanism.
    1. Gala Mop:
    • Known for its easy-to-use design with a detachable mop head.
    • Effective for dry and wet floor cleaning.
    1. Vileda Turbo Mop:
    • Features a foot-operated wringer that makes it easy to use.
    • Comes with a microfibre mop head that is washable.
    1. Germ Guardian UV Mop:
    • This mop comes with UV light technology for sanitization.
    • Suitable for those looking for an additional layer of cleanliness.
    1. Easy Home Spin Mop:
    • Comes with a traditional spin system, making it simple to wring out excess water.
    • Offers good build quality and ease of use.

    When choosing a mop, consider factors such as the type of flooring in your home, whether you need a wet or dry mop, and personal preferences regarding convenience and cleaning capability. Also, it’s worthwhile to read recent reviews and check for any new products or innova

    Certainly! Here’s a comparison table of some of the best mops available in India, based on various criteria:

    Feature/ModelBissell SpinWaveScotch-Brite Clean & ShineAmazonBasics Microfiber Flat MopPigeon by StovekraftGala MopVileda Turbo MopGerm Guardian UV MopEasy Home Spin Mop
    TypeSpin MopSpin MopFlat MopTraditional MopTraditional MopSpin MopUV Sanitizing MopSpin Mop
    Rotating HeadYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYes
    Wringing MechanismSpinManualManualManualManualFoot-operatedManualSpin
    Machine Washable PadsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
    Price RangeHigher-endAffordableBudget-friendlyAffordableAffordableModerateHigher-endAffordable
    Best ForDeep cleaning, tough stainsEveryday cleaningQuick clean-upsHome useEveryday cleaningDeep cleaningSanitization & cleaningQuick and efficient cleaning


    • Prices: The prices of these mops can vary across different retailers, and it’s always good to check for promotions or discounts.
    • Availability: Please verify availability online or in stores, as product lines can change.
    • User Preferences: Individual preferences may vary, so it’s worth reading customer reviews for insights on performance and usability